Talk about faking the funk. This jersey is currently being sold on Ebay as an "Authentic Sam Cassell New Jersey Nets Jersey 1994-95" in size 46.
Let me see now, Cassel won one of those conveited NBA Championship rings with the Rockets that season and it wasn't untill 96-97 that Cassell played for the Nets (those were some great years when it comes to trade, Suns, Mavs and Nets basically swapped whole rosters during those years, suiting up over 30 different players in one season at one point).
Let me see now, Cassel won one of those conveited NBA Championship rings with the Rockets that season and it wasn't untill 96-97 that Cassell played for the Nets (those were some great years when it comes to trade, Suns, Mavs and Nets basically swapped whole rosters during those years, suiting up over 30 different players in one season at one point).
I digress, the Nets, meanwhile, never rocked those beautiful jerseys by the time Cassell came to Jersey, instead rocking far less creative designs. That was the Kerry Kittles era, and I just dropped that name to sneak in this pic.
Furthermore, when was the last time you saw a Champion size 46 jersey? How about....never?
Without further adue, JerseySpot presents the first post in a series of fake jerseys spotted on Ebay: Sam Cassell, sold by Jersey4theWin (who normally sells pretty nice stuff).
Edit: Insidehoops Member Mco543 also pointed out how this jersey rocks the gold "NBA at 50" special anniversary logo, which was in 1996. Things don't add up right there.
umm thats not fake, its a pro cut jersey. player jerseys get made in every size even sizes that arent avliable to the public. like size 42, 46, 50 and so on.